[ 20 January 2015 ]
Thank you for choosing Nikon for your photographic needs.
We have received indications from some users that when photographing scenes in which a bright light source, such as the sun or high-intensity lighting, is at a certain position along the top border of the frame, flare with an unnatural shape may sometimes occur in images captured with the D750 digital SLR camera.
For customers who have purchased a D750 and would like to have their camera serviced to reduce this issue, Nikon service centres will provide service for the affected cameras free of charge. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.

Identifying Applicable Products
To check whether your camera is affected by this issue, please enter the serial number of your camera into the text box below and press the “Verify Serial Number” button. Your camera’s serial number will be checked and if it is one of those affected, please follow the instructions in the “Servicing of affected products” section to have your camera serviced. If your camera is not affected, you may continue using it without concern for this issue.
Please note that even if a serial number is identified as one affected by this issue, a black dot inside the tripod socket on the bottom of the camera, like that shown in the photo below, will indicate that the appropriate measures have already been applied.

Please consult your nearest Nikon service centre if you own an affected Nikon D750 digital SLR camera. The service centre will inspect and repair the light-shielding components, and adjust AF sensor position, to reduce occurrence of the unnaturally shaped flare. These repairs and adjustments and will not have any effect on the autofocus precision, or performance of other camera functions.
While implementation of these measures will make the unnaturally shaped flare indicated by some users less noticeable, do note that flare often occurs when backlit scenes are captured with any digital SLR cameras. Nikon will continue to make every effort to offer products that satisfy our customers.
Please direct inquiries regarding this matter to the Nikon Customer Support Centre.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this matter may have caused you.
Nikon will continue to take all possible measures to further improve product quality. Once again, thank you for choosing Nikon for your photographic needs.